What would you do?

Take the quiz to find out how you would act in the face of injustice.

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Stories from like-minded people, who are challenging injustice

A portrait of School Strike for Climate actvist Ambrose Hayes, with other strikers sitting behind him.
Climate Justice
Ambrose Hayes
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Image of Tamika Sadler speaking into a megaphone at a Black Lives Matter protest. There is a crowd of protesters behind her.
Indigenous Rights & Climate Justice
Tamika Sadler
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A portrait of Refugee Activist, Gabby Sutherland. She's looking away from the camera and wears a brown knitted top.
Refugee Rights
Gabby Sutherland
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A portrait of Indigenous Rights activist, Caitlin Smith. She's smiling and wearing a black hat.
Indigenous Rights
Caitlin Smith
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A portrait of Refugee Activist Samah Shda, smiling in the street.
Refugee Rights
Samah Shda
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A portrait of Danielle Begg, founder of the Yoga Impact Charity. She's smiling wearing a black dress with white dots. The ocean is behind her.
Mental health
Danielle Begg
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Portrait of Indigenous woman and activist Bianca Hunt. She stands in front of a white brick wall, smiling. She's wearing a black dress and pendant necklace.
Mental Health & Indigenous Rights
Bianca Hunt
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Image of LGBTIQ activist Hannah Wahlsten, smiling at standing in her yard. She's wearing rainbow-coloured checkered pants, an Amnesty tshirt with a rainbow candle, and black glasses.
LGBTIQ+ Rights
Hannah Wahlsten
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Portrait of Fin Spalding, LGBTIQ activist. Fin is smiling, wearing a black knitted top and green tartan scarf.
LGBTIQ+ Rights
Fin Spalding
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Portrait of Erika Rodriguez, refugee and women's rights activist. Erika is sitting on white steps, smiling. She's wearing a white top, black pants and maroon blazer.
Refugee & Women's Rights
Erika Rodriguez
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Image of Indigenous Rights activist, Cheree Toka. She's wearing a black blazer, and holding a brown cardboard box full of petition signatures.
Indigenous Rights
Cheree Toka
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Together our voices challenge injustice

How we protect human rights

Rights belong to every one of us – but are abused or denied every single day. When this happens, we search out the facts, expose what’s happening and rally people together to pressure governments and those in power to respect human rights.