In brief

There are currently more than 100 million people displaced around the world today. Despite this, Australia's annual intake of refugees through the Refugee and Humanitarian Program is at its lowest level in 45 years. This means that as people from Ukraine, Afghanistan and Myanmar flee their homes and everything they have ever known, Australia is turning its back.

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Three young children walking down a road with suitcases.
AUSTRALIA: People, many of whom are refugees, took to the Immigration and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade building in Sydney to demand the immediate evacuation of refugees detained on Manus Island.

Amnesty's work on the issue

We campaign for a world where human rights can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter what situation they are in. Amnesty has championed the human rights of refugees, people seeking asylum and migrants for decades.

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What needs to happen

Before the May 2022 federal election, the now Labor Government committed to increasing the Refugee and Humanitarian intake. It is crucial that we raise our collective voices and hold them to their promise.

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Take Action Now

1 in every 78 people are forced to flee their homes around the world. Join the movement of people working to defend the rights of refugees and asylum seekers.

Our Wins

Our movement changes lives. We celebrate the small wins, and the big moments because we know that every step our world takes away from injustice, is a step closer to a world in which human rights are enjoyed by all.

Australians celebrate as improvements to refugee sponsorship program announced, but those sponsored must be in addition to the Federal Government’s existing humanitarian quota