In May, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet walked straight into a highly predictable propaganda exercise for the Chinese government.

During a long-awaited trip to Xinjiang, she did not speak to any detained Uyghurs, and was accompanied by state officials at all times. She also failed to acknowledge serious human rights violations in China following her brief trip.

Chinese government propaganda says that Xinjiang is a “land of happiness”. This is far from the truth.

We’ve spoken directly to Uyghurs based in Australia and abroad, whose loved ones are detained in China’s vast system of prisons and camps in Xinjiang.

Mamutjan, who has been forcibly separated from his wife and children told us that High Commissioner Bachelet not only failed to speak up for Uyghurs, she “miserably danced to China’s tune” in her recent trip to the country.

“Five years is too long a time for having been forcibly separated from my family. I’ve been dying to see my wife Muherrem released and my family with two kids reunited. I’ve had enough of being like a dead person walking.”

Rayhangul, who hasn’t spoken to her parents in Xinjiang in years, says “I hope Michelle Bachelet shows the responsibility, credibility, and value of the UN by rescuing the Uyghurs and helping them to reunite with their family.”

We need to let the Chinese government know that there are people all over the world who won’t fall for the same propaganda.

Let the Chinese government know that you won’t fall for the propaganda, and that you won’t be silent until they release Rayhangul’s parents, Muherrem, her children, and all Uyghurs arbitrarily detained in Xinjiang.

Tweet the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, calling on the government to release all those detained in Xinjiang now. Let him know you’re #notfooled