Here you’ll find information about General Meeting Voters, Activism Leadership Committees and the Annual General Meeting.

Nominations for the 2022 General Meeting Voters and Activism Leadership Committee members were called on 25 February 2022 and closed on 25 March 2022. 

Elections were held from 8 – 22 April 2022, using the Scottish Single Transferable Voting system.  All Members were invited to vote. In the interest of transparency in all our elections, the results of elections are made available to members on request.
Below is the list of Activism Leadership Committee members and General Meeting Voters who have nominated for 2022.

Table of Contents 

General Meeting Voters – get your voice heard!

General Meeting Voters (GMVs) are members elected by their region to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting. Only General Meeting Voters have the right to vote on resolutions to set Amnesty International Australia’s direction, for board members and for other key positions.

Nominations closed on 25 March 2022.

Number of General Meeting Voter positions available for each region in 2022:

The number of positions available in each region is calculated as per the Constitution and based on the numbers of members as at 1 February 2022, which was the census date approved by the Board for 2022:

  • ACT/Southern New South Wales: 7
  • New South Wales: 14
  • Queensland/Northern New South Wales: 9
  • South Australia/Northern Territory: 7
  • Tasmania: 6
  • Victoria: 14
  • Western Australia: 7

Up to three reserve positions are available in each Region.  To be successful a General Meeting Voter or General Meeting Voter Reserve, candidates need to receive at least five votes.

Term of position: The position is until the announcement of the 2023 GMV election results and the primary commitment is around the time of the Annual General Meeting.

Nominations closed on 25 March 2022.

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General Meeting Voters in 2022

Australian Capital Territory & Southern New South Wales

New South Wales

Queensland and Northern New South Wales

South Australia and Northern Territory



Western Australia

Activism Leadership Committees – Lead local human rights activism!

Activism Leadership Committees help motivate, coordinate and develop local human rights activism. They mentor and support activists and action groups, and participate in consultations on our vision, campaign priorities and policies. They are at the centre of our work promoting human rights.

Activism Leadership Committees have up to 12 members. 

Find out more about the role and responsibilities of Activist Leadership Committee Members.

Number of Activism Leadership Committee positions available in each region in 2022:

  • ACT/Southern New South Wales: 6 in class B
  • New South Wales: 5 in class B
  • Queensland/Northern New South Wales: 6 in class B, 2 in class A
  • South Australia/Northern Territory: 6 in class B, 2 in class A
  • Tasmania: 6 in class B, 4 in class A
  • Victoria: 6 in class B
  • Western Australia: 6 in class B

Term of position: Where there are class A and class B positions to fill, candidates with the most votes will be appointed in class B (for two years from 2022).

Nominations closed on 25 March 2022. 

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Activism Leadership Committee candidates in 2022

Australian Capital Territory & Southern New South Wales

New South Wales

Queensland and Northern New South Wales

South Australia and Northern Territory


Western Australia

2022 Key Governance Dates

25 February Call for nominations of ALC members and GMVs
25 March Close of nominations for GMV and ALC members

8 April Voting* opens for GMV and ALC members
22 April Voting closes for GMV and ALC members
Late April  Election results announced and communicated to candidates

*open to individuals who are members by 22 March 2022

Board nominations
4 March
   Board nominations open
18 March   Board nominations close

Annual General Meeting

14 May    Deadline for draft resolutions going to the Annual General Meeting
4 June    Annual General Meeting

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Annual General Meeting in 2022 will be held virtually. Please note all GMVs and others wishing to attend must fund their own attendance.

Q1. I would like to be a General Meeting Voter but can’t attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) this year. What are my options?

Members who have been elected as a General Meeting Voter (GMV) but cannot attend the AGM can still give their proxy to another attending member (any member, not necessarily someone from the region that elected you as GMV).  Ideally this will happen in advance of the meeting.

Q2. I would like to be a General Meeting Voter or Activism Leadership Committee Member, but don’t know anyone I can ask to nominate me or second my nomination. What can I do?

You can get in touch with the  Regional President for your region, who will try to arrange for two members to nominate you.

Q3: Can any member second my nomination for an Activism Leadership Committee or General Meeting Voter position?

Only a member in your Region can second your nomination.

Q4. If I am a General Meeting Voter, how do I nominate a proxy?

You must be an elected GMV to appoint a proxy, and the person being nominated has to be a member. There is a sample form available for GMVs to use to appoint a proxy which must state the GMV and the person appointed as the proxy both give their consent. This form must be provided to the company secretary.

Q5. I am an elected GMV but I want to give my place to someone else – can I do that?

Only by appointing a proxy.

Q6. Can an Activism Leadership Committee co-opt a member to be a General Meeting Voter?

No, this is not permitted by the current provisions of the Constitution. 

Nominating for a Board position

Q7. How do I get a mover and seconder to nominate as a Board member if I don’t know any other members?

The Nomination and Assessment Committee can find a mover and seconder for nominees.

Q8. Where do I send nomination forms?

The nominations go to the Company Secretary.

Q9: Do members elect the Board at the AGM?

No, only General Meeting Voters (approximately 55-65 members elected by their Region’s members) can vote at the AGM. However, any member or member of the public is welcome to attend the AGM (at their own cost).

Q10: I am confused by all the nomination processes (ALC, GMV, Board). Can you please explain?

As a member, you have the opportunity to engage and help shape the movement in different ways:

  • Joining your Region’s Activism Leadership Committee is a great way to engage in activism activities and be a leader in your Region
  • Nominating for a General Meeting Voter position means that, if elected, you will be one of the 55-65 elected members throughout the country who will elect Board members and vote on resolutions at the next AGM
  • Nominating for a Board position (which happens at a later stage than 1. and 2.) means that, if elected, you will join the ultimate leadership of Amnesty International Australia.  Please note that this process is managed by a Nomination & Assessment Committee, which is independent from the Board.

Any other questions, please feel free to email the Company Secretary at 


[Last updated 1 February 2022]

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