Kabul, Afghanistan

Afghanistan Crisis: Amnesty calls for United Nations Human Rights Council Investigation

Evidence obtained by Amnesty researchers in Afghanistan has uncovered the brutal murders of nine ethnic Hazara men by Taliban forces. In response, Amnesty has written to the Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne, urging Australia to support, and if necessary lead, a United Nations General Assembly resolution for the establishment of a robust investigative mechanism through the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Torture and murder in the context of an armed conflict are violations of the Geneva Conventions, and constitute war crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which is already considering crimes committed in relation to the conflict in Afghanistan.

Any investigation must be set up with the aim to document, collect and preserve evidence of ongoing crimes and human rights abuses across Afghanistan. This will prove critical to ensure informed decision-making by the international community, and combat the impunity which continues to fuel grave crimes in the country.

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