Better refugee sponsorship in Australia

It’s time for a community-led solution for refugees that really works, is fair and accessible. We’re calling on the Australian Government to expand its current community sponsorship program for refugees and make it fairer for everyone to participate in.

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Three young people wearing black and yellow 'I welcome refugees' tshirts, smiling warmly
A middle aged woman with shoulder length brown hair on a park bench, smiling

What is Amnesty calling for?

We're calling for the Australian Government to make its sponsorship program affordable and accessible, and to ensure that sponsorship expands how many people Australia helps.

About Community Sponsorship

Meet the champions

The Refugee Advisory Group are courageous individuals with lived experiences as refugees in Australia. The advisory group help set the direction for our campaigns for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers.

About the Refugee Avisory Group
Young man smiling
A crowd of about 30 people outside Canberra parliament, holding yellow Amnesty banners

Who else supports community sponsorship?

A growing list of organisations, councils and individuals are showing their support for a better community sponsorship program.

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Act Now

Thousands of Australians have already supported a community-led solution for refugees that really works. Join them now and call for a better community sponsorship program.

Our Wins

Our movement changes lives. We celebrate the small wins, and the big moments because we know that every step our world takes away from injustice, is a step closer to a world in which human rights are enjoyed by all.

Monash city council passes motion supporting community sponsorship for refugees