Amnesty International is a worldwide organisation based on voluntary membership. Amnesty International consists of national branches (sections and structures), international networks, affiliated groups and international members.

Amnesty International Australia is a Section of Amnesty International and is governed by a member-elected National Board. As our highest-decision making body, the National Board provides governance, leadership and stewardship as part of a global movement of human rights defenders. It ensures that our global vision, mission and plans, as well as any decisions made at the Global Assembly (international AGM) and Annual General Meetings are implemented in Australia.


The National Board comprises seven elected directors and up to two additional co-opted directors.  At the 2019 AGM held on 13 October 2019, seven Board members were elected in three different classes (for one, two or three years)  to facilitate the transition to staggering terms and elections.  The Board is responsible for the overall running of Amnesty International Australia. Read our Board Charter 2022 and National Board Attributes Statement 2022.



The overwhelming majority of our income comes from individuals like you, and allows us to maintain full independence from any governments, political ideologies, economic interests and religions. We accept support only from businesses that have been carefully vetted.

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Amnesty International Australia’s constitution is its foundational document. It contains our purposes, our relationship with the international movement and details on our governance structures and processes.

Read the Constitution


In 2018, Amnesty International Australia made significant changes to its governance structures and processes. It moved to a model which amplifies the voices of our membership by increasing the number of members who can vote at the AGM and established a forum at which members can exchange ideas and strategies for our work.

Members are linked to a region, loosely based on state and territory lines and are headed up by Activism Leadership Committees. In 2018 introduced some exciting changes to our democratic processes to amplify the voices of our members. 

Activism Leadership Committees

Amnesty International Australia is divided into 7 regions, loosely based on state and territory lines.  Every member of Amnesty International Australia is linked to a region, based on their postcode of residence. Each region is led by an Activism Leadership Committee (formerly known as ‘Branch Committees’) – or ALC – whose members are elected by the members linked to that region.  

General Meeting Voters

Each region elects those members who will vote at the Annual General Meeting. The number of General Meeting Voters (GMVs) depends on the number of members in that region. They are elected at the same time as the ALC.  

Activism Forum

The Activism Forum is an informal meeting held at least every 2 years for members to feed into campaigns, activism strategies and priorities.

There are different ways in which you can get involved in shaping the direction of Amnesty International Australia. Find out how!

Amnesty International Statute

Amnesty International Australia is a Section in the Amnesty International movement, which is governed by the Amnesty International Statute. The movement's strategic direction and other governance processes are set by the Global Assembly.

Global Assembly (GA)

Our reconciliation strategy