Amnesty is proud to be partnering with The Merger film to highlight the positive welcome communities can offer refugees and take a strong message of inclusivity to cinemas around Australia.

To apply for funding from your regional Activist Leadership Committee to hold a screening please submit an event form online here.  

The Merger Trailer

Umbrella Entertainment manages all the screening rights on a case-by-case basis. License fees vary depending on the circumstances but would generally range between $150 – $300. For all inquiries regarding screenings please contact 

Tips for setting up and promoting your screening

  • Select a venue; a community hall or sports club could be a great place to host your screening.  Get in touch with your local council for ideas if you’re not sure where would be suitable in your area.
  • Find a date and time that would suit most people to attend the event – Friday or Saturday evenings or Sunday afternoons are often a good time for films.
  • Submit an Event Proposal Form via the Amnesty website.  This let’s us know you’re planning an event, and we will forward any funding or resource requests on to you regionals Activist Leadership Committee for support.
  • Promote, promote, promote! There are lots of opportunities to get free promotion for your event via local newspapers, radio and online.
  • Where the screening is near a capital city, if invited in advance, you might even be able to get some of the cast/crew to attend. Please let us know if you are interested in exploring this option
  • Create a Facebook event page for your screening, invite Amnesty International Australia as a co-host and invite your friends and family
  • Create and print posters and flyers advertising the screening to hand out in your community
  • Payment of invoices: Request to provider to send invoices to . This will allow for invoices to be paid in a timely manner. All invoices are paid on a Monday so get them in by 12pm.