A line of trans flags in the grass

Submission: Inquiry into the Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020 (NSW)

Amnesty International Australia has submitted to the New South Wales Legislative Council’s Portfolio Committee No.3 – Education’s inquiry into the Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020.

If this bill was to be passed, trans and gender diverse children in New South Wales will be harmed.

Trans and gender diverse children and young people exist. They have a right to be respected, included and supported in school and to see themselves reflected in the curriculum. Similarly, individuals or groups of parents should not be in a position to significantly dictate curriculum to the detriment of students’ education.

Children should be taught differing views on issues such as climate change, Australian history, the experience of people with different religious beliefs or culture, and LGBTQIA+ people; and trans and gender diverse students should be given the support they need to thrive at school (without fear of teachers and staff being fired).

The committee should reject the bill. Amnesty International Australia has also made other related recommendations to the government in its submission.